Once you stop using a plugin or the shortcode, you will still have it littered across blog posts and pages. This means you will have [shortcode] visible in posts and hurting the website’s aesthetics. Deleting unused shortcodes from each blog post is a long and tedious process.
Shortcodes can have make blogging fast for advanced users, but what if you have a shortcode that you want to disable on a specific pages, say, the homepage.
When you log in to WordPress, you get an admin bar at the top. This admin bar is useful mainly for the blog administrators. If you have multiple authors and contributors for your WordPress website, you might want to hide this admin bar.
Breadcrumbs are used by most big websites. It helps in navigation as well as search engine optimization or SEO. WordPress has a several plug-ins to show breadcrumbs in blogs and websites. How to add a simple breadcrumb to your WordPress website without using a plug-in?
Do you want to add a copyright link in the footer of your WordPress website? You can edit the footer.php file of the theme and add the text by wrapping it within a paragraph, division or span HTML tag. However, it will be a static text. You can add an auto-updating footer text that can be used for any website.
Do you want to add any code such as Google Analytics within head tag in your WordPress website or blog? You can easily add codes in the header of your WordPress website without editing the header.php file and by adding the same in the functions.php file of the theme.
Do you want to add any code or HTML to the footer of your WordPress website without editing the theme file? You can easily add Google Analytics or other code in the WordPress footer by editing the functions.php file of the theme.
Do you want to show the number of times a page or post has been viewed in WordPress? There are several WordPress plugins that allow you to show pageview counts along with other bells and whistles. What if you don’t need all those features and just want to show the pageview count? Here is a very simple and effective code for logging the number of pageviews and showing them in WordPress.
Each time you preview your blog post in WordPress to ensure that everything is in order, your page view goes up in Google Analytics or other analytics service. This messes up your Google Analytics stats by increasing the pageviews. You can easily prevent this with a conditional tag called is_preview().
Do you often use screenshots of websites in your WordPress blog? You can make your blogging faster using a shortcode to add screenshot automatically.