Co-Authors Plus is a plug-in that allows you to have multiple authors or a guest author for an article. You can assign multiple bylines to posts, pages, and custom post types via a search-as-you-type input box.
Typography is one of the most important part in web design. If you are into minimal design, you know you can create awesome websites with just a background, some HTML5/CSS3 and lots of focus on typography. Fonts that you on your sites can make them look pretty or ugly. So proper rendering of fonts is critical for a beautiful website. Typeplate is a “typographic starter kit” which helps you design aesthetic websites by defining proper markup with extensible styling for common typographic patterns.
Apaxy is a customisable Apache directory theme built to enhance the experience of browsing web directories. It uses the mod_autoindex Apache module—and some CSS—to override the default style of a directory listing.
Koken is a free and self-hosted CMS (PHP-MySQL) that is focused on building websites where portfolio/gallery is in the core (like designer or photographer sites). It was built for publishing images, videos and slideshows as fluid, responsive media elements.
BootStrap by Twitter is a great starting point for web design projects. It allows you to create exciting websites loaded with features without having to start from scratch. Given the advantages of Bootstrap, many designers have started offering free Bootstrap themes for HTML, WordPres, Joomla, Drupal and other platforms. Here we list five great themes for Twitter Bootstrap.
Freepik is a specialist search engine that helps designers locate high quality photos, vectors, illustrations and PSD files. You can browse through a huge list of graphic resources presented in an orderly layout.