Add Paypal donation button using shortcodes in WordPress

WordPress: Paypal donation button using shortcodes

Do you want to add a PayPal donation button so that your readers can send you a few dollars and say thank you? It can be very simple to integrate a PayPal donate button in your posts or WordPress website.

Just copy-paste the code below in functions.php. Replace the email address with your PayPal email address. Make sure to take care of the PHP start and end tags.

function donate_shortcode( $atts, $content = null) {
	global $post;extract(shortcode_atts(array(
		'account' => get_bloginfo('admin_email'),
		'for' => $post->post_title,
		'onHover' => '',
	), $atts));
	if(empty($content)) $content='Make A Donation';
		return '<a href="'.$account.'&item_name=Donation for '.$for.'" title="'.$onHover.'">'.$content.'</a>';
add_shortcode('donate', 'donate_shortcode');

// Make shortcodes work in widgets
add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); 

Now whenever you want to add a donate button, just use one of the following shortcodes. You can customize your email as well as donate button text.

[donate]Donate Now[/donate]
[donate account="[email protected]" onHover="Thank You" for="Title"]
[donate account="[email protected]" onHover="Thank You" for="Title"]Donate Now[/donate]

The $account variable defines your PayPal email address (default is the email address associated with the admin of the WordPress site), the $onHover variable sets the anchor title attribute as you hover over the link and the $for attribute is the description of the donation (default is your post title).